- The purpose of my pilgrimage: The 'free speech zone'.
- Boston Common. 2004-07-27. Put it this way: Chicago 1968 this ain't.
- A cutting, biting, insightful political comment. Ah, art.
- Mere mortals not suffered to pass beyond this point..
- Checking credentials at the entrance.
- The guards seemed bored to death, too.
- The city fathers did not bother to paint the walls of this Potemkin Village - the better to act as a backdrop for the inevitable
- Note sign behind cap.
- I've never felt so free.
- A few disconsolate newsbabes and anarchists were hoisting brews
- The height of idiocy. No one sees these billboards since the highway is (a) UNDERGROUND!!! and (b) CLOSED ANYWAY FOR SECURITY!!!
- This is the first time I've been downtown since they tore down the old Central Artery. The Fleet Center (where the convention is
- Likewise for Fanueil Hall
- Essentially empty at about 4:30 on Tuesday.
- The normally crowded City Hall Plaza.